L’Infinito Holistic Center

Centro olistico l’infinito venturina terme


  • Yoga and Meditation sessions
  • Shiatsu operator, Rebirthing, Reiki Master
  • Sound baths
  • Feldenkrais method
  • Outdoor lessons in nature

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Discover Cristina and the L'Infinito Holistic Center

Yoga parco termale venturina terme

Cristina, owner of Centro Olistico L’Infinito to Venturina Terme, a hamlet of the municipality of Campiglia Marittima, welcomes us with a wonderful smile and a warm embrace in the place where she dedicates her knowledge and passions to the service of others, to make them free, autonomous and capable of facing life with renewed energy.

Yes, because this is one of the first things he tells us and wants to convey, “
the desire to ensure that my clients, or rather, my guests, are not dependent on my treatments, but that they can in the shortest possible time have that benefit that frees them and brings them back to life.”

Her sensitivity, love for life, passion and belief in her practices mean that anyone who approaches her immediately feels
part of something bigger, part of something bigger, of a connection that unites us all.

The first time we entered the centre, a few years ago, we had a wonderful experience
Biodanza with Alessandra Simonatti, a moment that we carry in our hearts.


Your center for a wellness holiday in Tuscany

The Infinito Holistic Center is a place of silence and peace where practices and sessions of various disciplines take place, perfect for those who choose a wellness holiday in Tuscany and want to take advantage of the days away from work and daily stress to find harmony. Guests can take advantage of treatments and practices to regain energy and improve their quality of life upon returning home.

Everything is in order in the large room, furnished with
minimal style and where a shiny parquet shines. A peaceful environment, ideal for physical relaxation but also and above all for aprofound spiritualand personal reconnection.

tells us what it is “I am passionate about holistic disciplines and have always taken yoga courses. Over time I have given shape to my passions by obtaining training qualifications in Shiatsu operator, Rebirthing operator, Reiki Master.”

These passions led her to specialize in Holistic and Psychosomatic Massage. “And to found the centre! It has now been active for nine fantastic years, my place, where I can promote health and psycho-physical well-being.”

Vacanze olistiche venturina terme l’infinito

The courses and treatments of the Infinito Holistic Center

In the Infinito Holistic Center many wellness specialists find the opportunity to collaborate: Yoga and meditation teachers, Naturopathy trainers, Feldenkrais teachers, gentle and postural gymnastics, osteopath, experts in sound baths and Ayurvedic medicine.

“The center has a space dedicated to personalized messages , for a unique experience for each guest,”
he explains.“These treatments are designed to offer complete well-being in a welcoming and relaxing environment, where every detail contributes to creating an atmosphere of peace and warmth.”

His desire to help others is evident, in fact he is keen to underline that our aim is to offer those who want it a space and a moment to rediscover themselves and their inner harmony, to grow and improve. And it is through the change of the individual that we can truly improve the world, one step at a time.” Words that resonate and excite us. It’s really reassuring to know that there are people like her, who pass these on to the planet and its inhabitants energies of renewal.

courses and sessions, which can be customized according to personal needs, and which take place indoors, but also outdoors, in the countryside, include daily, monthly sessions or packages for periods shorter.

In the summer period there are promotions and agreements with local restaurant businesses, an opportunity to get to know the beauties of our territory and the quality of our Kitchen.

Here's what awaits you at the Infinito Holistic Center

  • Emotional Psychosomatic Massage: it is a magical creation, which merges the language of the emotional psycho-points on the body, the 7 emotional segments of the psycho-body language. An experience that goes beyond the surface, touching deep psycho-emotional well-being
  • Feldenkrais method: it is an educational approach that uses balanced movement, breathing and neuromuscular relaxation to help people get to know themselves, improve their functions and achieve a somatic psychic balance. Suitable for all ages
  • Reiki: it is an ancient practice through the touch of the hands to instill well-being by rebalancing the patient’s energies
  • Trattamenti Shiatsu: è una forma di trattamento manuale il cui scopo è quello di apportare benessere ed equilibrio all’individuo nella sua totalità, ristabilendo l’armonia tra fisico e mente.
  • Ayurvedic massages: these are ancient massage practices based on the principles of Ayurveda, traditional Indian medicine. Using personalized essential oils, these massages aim to rebalance the doshas (vital energies), promoting a deep state of relaxation and physical and mental well-being.
  • Yoga: is a thousand-year-old discipline that combines physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation to promote balance between body, mind and spirit. Practicing yoga helps improve flexibility, strength, concentration and overall well-being.
  • Sound baths: these are deep relaxation sessions in which sound instruments such as Tibetan bowls, gongs and other harmonic instruments are used to create vibrations that penetrate the body and mind. These vibrations help release tension, reduce stress and promote a sense of inner peace and harmony.
  • Osteopatia: è una pratica terapeutica manuale che mira a migliorare la salute generale del corpo attraverso la manipolazione e il rafforzamento del sistema muscolo-scheletrico. Osteopathy focuses on the structure of the body and how this affects overall functioning, promoting the natural self-healing process.
  • Naturopathy: is an approach to health that uses natural and non-invasive methods to promote the body’s self-healing. Based on holistic principles, naturopathy includes the use of herbal medicines, nutrition, exercise, and stress management techniques to support physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
  • Rebirthing: è una tecnica di respirazione consapevole e continua che mira a liberare blocchi emotivi e traumi passati. Through deep, circular breathing, this practice helps relax the body and mind, promoting a sense of rebirth and overall well-being.
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Book a lesson or a wellness treatment in Venturina Terme

Are you organizing your holiday in Tuscany? The Etruscan Coast, the Val di Cornia and all the wellness operators like Cristina are waiting for you to experience unforgettable days. Contact the Infinito Holistic Center in Venturina Terme and transform your holiday into a revitalizing experience for body and mind.



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